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Buck 1
Prices for most does and bucks are $700 - $1000. Contact us for pricing of the kids of the CGS West National Champion, Curl Creek Charisse.
Prices for wethers are $250-$350 unless otherwise specified.
Curl Creek Charisse x Salish sea chepito azul
Outlaw's Ebony x Salish sea chepito azul

1. Doeling
Salish Sea Amélie x Taylorsides Carmelito

1. Salish Sea prima ballerina, Doeling
DOB: 15 March 2023
Dam: Curl Creek Charisse
Sire: Salish Sea Chepito Azul
Status: Retained
Prima Ballerina was awarded Junior Champion at the Aug 27, 2023 CGS Sanctioned goat show at the VIEX

2. Salish sea Isabella, doeling

3. Buckling

4. Salish Sea Renaissance
Salish Sea Daisy x Salish sea chepito azul

1. Doeling

2. Doeling

3. Wether

4. Wether

1. Salish Sea Angéline, doeling

2. salish sea mia,
Outlaw's Ebony
DOB: March 18, 2014
Dam: Outlaw's Daisy Mae
Sire: Outlaw's Wild Blue Bill Hickok
Classification Score: 87
Date of Classification: August 26, 2019
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